Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:



    " Microphones are sterile or filter distortion in some way."

Do I take that you listen to only LIVE un-miced performances. Hmmm.

As far as I know, every record and Cd I own is now possibly my own worst scenario, and all of the rest of us in this tread who's recording derived from microphone to recorders> to our listen rooms.


I doubt the battery will last that long. In my watch with it in sleep mode my watch batteries last no more than a year.


I still feel we were mislead with this product and hiding the battery within it is what is deceitful. And there is NO way to replace that battery without destroying the unit. The battery doesn't draw from anything except its own battery power.


Depends on how much energy is required, no? Besides I highly doubt Mr. Bybee would mislead anyone.


I still feel we were mislead with this product and hiding the battery within it is what is deceitful. And there is NO way to replace that battery without destroying the unit. The battery doesn't draw from anything except its own battery power.


Thats fine. You're entitled to your opinion.

Is the copper glued or soldered to the battery? If it's glue, it should be removable.

The crystals draw power to create their "active electric and magnetic field." This is what drains power from the internal battery. If your components use battery power, those batteries will also be drawn from, if the components are not plugged in.


You're "Lost in Translation."
"I highly doubt Mr. Bybee would mislead anyone"..

The fact that the description of the original QSE said it included a battery, and the iQSE was described as totally passive, (suggests) otherwise.