Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!

For those interested in auditioning the new Paradigm Persona series, as well as other high-end brands, with the benefit of highly personalized attention and 5-star customer service, I would like to recommend a visit to Audio Doctor in Jersey City, New Jersey- they have some of the largest showroom space in the NY/NJ area, and such great customer service, period!

Audio Doctor is currently the only dealer in the NY/NJ area allowed to demo in-store/sell the Paradigm Persona speaker series, so I trekked there yesterday to audition the Paradigm Persona 3F and flagship 9H stereo speakers, which both proved stupefying and extremely impressive for their price points in as far as clarity, detail, and sound stage are concerned.

The owner, Dave, is such a wonderful guy. He gave me a personalized tour of his well-built home theater room (100+ inch projector set up with KEF speaker system, excellent room treatments, very comfortable seating, etc.), and also a tour of other five-figure speaker brands on display.

Crucially, for the Paradigm demos, Dave allowed me to bring my own interconnects and speaker cables, and also to use identical separates to what I have at my place so I could ascertain for sure what the Paradigms would sound like in my home setting. I was also pleased to see many low-budget speaker/separates set ups for those on a tight budget- all on display.

Last but not least, Dave and his wife prepared a wonderful dinner for me while I was speaker-auditioning- the tastiest Mexican Tacos I have ever had! I spent a total of 4 hours at the store, and Dave even gave me a lift back to the PATH train station (I live in NYC)... so without a doubt, I would rate the customer service at this place as the best I have ever seen in my years of visiting audio stores on both coasts.

So for the NY/NJ area audiophile crowd, Audio Doctor merits an in-person visit and comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
“Take for example the Sonos buyer, reads articles, see ads, goes to website purchases product, receives product, Done. There is no journey of exploration. There is no comparison of a Sonos to a Naim Muso or to a set of real speakers plus a streaming amp. It is click and done, there is no education”


There is plenty to learn about SONOS on their website. It’s a lifestyle product and sounds darn good. Not to mention plethora of streaming options with a excellent app. And their customer service is top notch.

I am sure you will gladly educate us and sell SONOS if they ‘pad’ dealer markup by selling PLAY3, say for $600 through dealer network :-)

BTW, I am not against B&M stores that continues to provide excellent service. I am just as concerned to see the speciality Audio stores going out of business. I am sure you would agree that one of the reason for downfall is their less than stellar customer service and lack of products available for demo.
Good luck in your continuing attempts to smear other dealers to prove Audio Doctor's ethical superiority over other NYC audio dealers. Based upon my personal experience and the experience of each member of my listening group which includes a well known long time NY studio engineer, Audio Doctor remains firmly in last place in that regard. 


No smearing required you can read many people posts lambasting many of the dealers you often mention.

You can read here posts from people who love our approach which is:

1: Very available store hours and custom appointments including late nite and early morning appointments.
2: A wide selection of gear in all catagories
3: We will play any gear that we have and will allow people to bring in test gear, etc.
4: Great after sales service
5: Commitment to finding very high performing products as often times lower pricing. 
6: Tracking new and exciting brands in the marketplace.

You also don't have personal experience you have never been to my store nor purchased anything from us, so whom is slandering whom?

Gpgr4blu you really need to get a real hobby, this isn't one of them.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ
Lalik you miss my point about Sonos, it isn't the product per say it is the fact that many people believe that once you have a Sonos product you have handled your music needs.

It is not about an exploration it is about buying and getting out.

Take the Amazon vs real brick and mortar bookstore, on Amazon you search for what you want, pay for it and you are done, many people fondly remember the experience of going to a book store or record store and just roaming the isles to find and explore 

The Amazon model is the anthesis of this it is not really about exploring products and new ideas it is about quick comoditization or everything.

On my summer break I was in Rhoade Island and went to a small local bookstore the experience was fantastic and I bought a book that I would never have purchased, on Amazon I don't think I have ever been turned on to anything new.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ
Welcome! ph2

Many Thanks! for sharing your story. It is imperative to post both positive and negative experiences when visiting these dealers/retailers. Good to read that you had a positive venture.
Happy Listening!