Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!

For those interested in auditioning the new Paradigm Persona series, as well as other high-end brands, with the benefit of highly personalized attention and 5-star customer service, I would like to recommend a visit to Audio Doctor in Jersey City, New Jersey- they have some of the largest showroom space in the NY/NJ area, and such great customer service, period!

Audio Doctor is currently the only dealer in the NY/NJ area allowed to demo in-store/sell the Paradigm Persona speaker series, so I trekked there yesterday to audition the Paradigm Persona 3F and flagship 9H stereo speakers, which both proved stupefying and extremely impressive for their price points in as far as clarity, detail, and sound stage are concerned.

The owner, Dave, is such a wonderful guy. He gave me a personalized tour of his well-built home theater room (100+ inch projector set up with KEF speaker system, excellent room treatments, very comfortable seating, etc.), and also a tour of other five-figure speaker brands on display.

Crucially, for the Paradigm demos, Dave allowed me to bring my own interconnects and speaker cables, and also to use identical separates to what I have at my place so I could ascertain for sure what the Paradigms would sound like in my home setting. I was also pleased to see many low-budget speaker/separates set ups for those on a tight budget- all on display.

Last but not least, Dave and his wife prepared a wonderful dinner for me while I was speaker-auditioning- the tastiest Mexican Tacos I have ever had! I spent a total of 4 hours at the store, and Dave even gave me a lift back to the PATH train station (I live in NYC)... so without a doubt, I would rate the customer service at this place as the best I have ever seen in my years of visiting audio stores on both coasts.

So for the NY/NJ area audiophile crowd, Audio Doctor merits an in-person visit and comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
To everyone reading this post, I must appologize for getting heated, one one should be attacked on Audiogon for having an opinion or advocating a product.

What some of your has said is wonderful and very supportive. I have tried building one of the great audio stores that has a real selection and provides the opportunities to actually hear many of the brands you read about in a non pressure, laid back enviornment.

Our shop is in an 1880’s restored Victorian home we have four sound room and eight listening areas. We sell systems starting as little as $500
going up to the truly exotic.

My belief is simple, we identify and promote many new brands and many old industry stalwarts the goal is always to offer the best sounding and most innovative products, and whenver possible find products that challenge the best for less money.

We are always testing out new products and ideas for our clients, up next is the new power conditioner shoot out, Isotek and Torus vs Running Springs which is gone, and Audio Magic which we love.

We have a new highly rated British music  server the Inious Zenith coming in to test vs the Aurender

We have the new Aqua Hifi Formula MK II on order. 

We will be testing some new multi channel amps and hopefully some exciting new power cables.

If anyone reading these posts wants to actually come in to the store and or talk to me about anything which I might have experience in please feel free to email or phone.

Thank you all except for one notable exception.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ

“We have a new highly rated British music server the Inious Zenith coming in to test vs the Aurender”


Which Aurender you will be testing with Inious?  Please post test results, thank you!
Is it possible to shred the entire discussion?

Otherwise, it should archived as a "what not to do when self promoting yourself" FAQ file.


Post removed 

Shame on you for hijacking the original thread because you have a problem with the proprietor of Audio Doctor.  Also, none of us need to know about you and your friends problems when Dave was working at Sound By Singer.  You had an axe to grind with Dave so you chose to do it here, shame on you again.