Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?
As someone who is trained in physics, I feel compelled to point out there is no way this can change the compliance of air. To change compliance you would need to add something to the air (like a humidifier will add water vapour) or pressurize the room.
Uh, I don’t think anyone said the Bybee things change the compliance of air. And if someone did say it was it someone who counts? And I don’t mean someone who counts sheep. 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑

It’s simple really. Just change Planck's constant, and you create a localized, infinitely expanding universe in which the walls are always moving away from the sound source.

At best, they are wall weights with cheap plugs attached. I wonder if the cables even have copper in them.


Interestingly enough, they are having problems with the Planck Constant, as of recent....

Nothing exists in stone. Not even this conclusion.