Why not batteries instead of power supplies?

I read about issues with power supplies, like noise from AC outlets, ripples in voltage etc.

Why not just use a large battery that can be recharged? If batteries can power cars, they can for sure power amplifiers.
Wow it’s been a while, since looking at them. And you can get 48v 83 farad for a "cheap" $1,300 each you’ll need two. Great ESR as well,can you imagine the inrush current!!!!!!! No BS boutique ac voodoo fuses here, you'll need massive circuit breakers
Wonder who’s going to be the first linear amp manufacturer to start using them, my bets on Dan D’Agostino .

Cheers George
If memory recalls, I think Vinnie Rossi already uses this technique in his LIO amp, one of the reasons why it sounds so good. Two sets, one set is used while the other is charging and they switch back and forth as needed. 
I heard a system with the Veloce linestage and it sounded quite good.  I have no idea how it would compare with an otherwise identical model running off of a conventional supply.   I have also heard an ultra expensive version of a preamp that is quite similar to mine (same builder), but it ran off of a large battery pack.  It too was very nice sounding, but, it had to be recharged quite often.  It, like the Veloce, is a tube unit.  I saw pictures of a DIY tube phono stage with a battery power supply that was the size of a large refrigerator; all in the name of extremely low output impedance.

I would think that battery power would make even more sense with solid state where there would be far less draw at idle.  
@nycjlee +1! Vinnie Rossi room was one of my fav at LA Audio Show this year!
Sutherland battery-powered phono got ditched by the man, I was really disappointed that in his interview with Stereophile he bluntly refused to answer why.
Agree with the sentiment that God is in listening: PS Audio Power Plant worked magic in my lab when we tried to make video of our efforts. When used in my "bedside" kit of Naim CDX/Lehmann h/p Amp/HD600 the benefits came at the price... Sent it back to the lab!!