Switching to solid state amp?

I have had tube amps for the past 20+ years and have totally enjoyed their sound in my system.  I am thinking of trying a solid state amp.  Pass Labs comes to mind but would be open to anyone who made the switch, was happy and what brand worked for you.  Btw I will still be using a tube preamp.  Who has been happy with the switch?

I'm running a muscled up First Watt F5 clone I built. It's a very nice amp but it's brutally honest. The F7 is supposed to be a kinder interpretation of the F5 topology. The First Watt amps are unique amps and aren't well suited for every speaker. If you've got $10,000 to burn and you like the simple, lower power designs of First Watt, I'd strongly suggest looking at the Pass XA25. 
Ralph I had my current amps worked on recently and one of them came back dead. So not reliable. I will need to replace.
'Dead' is usually something simple! If the amp was just serviced and was dead upon arrival, it could also be something simple from shipping. If I were you, if these amps have given you reliable service in the past, I would simply get the amp fixed. If you sell them and one isn't running, you're going to take a beating on it anyway.

How old are the amps?
I had a pair of QuickSilver M135 monoblock tube amps for 24 years.  No repairs other than 4 full sets of tubes (& a few fuses blown by over exuberance or an EL34 tube failure).  
I bought a pair of McIntosh MC501 monoblocks, and on the same speakers side by side it was VERY hard to tell the MC501's (SS) from the M135's (tube).  I really think its those crazy output transformers in the McIntosh.  Only other SS amps I've liked Bryston 28B monoblocks. (I've heard several other Bryston amps, but they sounded terrible!)
Now, the MC501's were bought used from a dealer who bought them back from his customer who bought them to replace his VTL tube mono's.  After 6 months he wanted his tubes back.
Ralph the amps are about 15 years old.  These are George Wright Sugnature amps.  Very nice when they work. QS 135 thanks for you info.  QS are quite nice.