Ohm Walsh speakers; Anyone have any experience

I have been interested in the Ohm Walsh drivers, and their uniformly positive reviews, and omnidirectional nature. Does anyone have enough exposure to these to provide a critical assessment? Happy listening, D
look and listen to german physiks, with a good powerful amp these are very plesant speakers that can do a hi spl and great with eq and a sub. There are some pairs of unicorns for sale for about 5k worth it.
I would love to be able to listen to the German Physiks Walsh "Bending Wave Transducer" ( Dick's Dipole Driver or DDD as they call it ). I am curious as to if the driver uses some type of internal damping material inside the driver to damp the titanium from ringing. So long as they covered that aspect of performance, my thoughts are that the bass would probably not be up to the task given the design that they are using. Sean
The Huff system with DDD and their subwoofers look very interesting. Has anybody here ever actually heard them?
Huff came to the CAS last year and did a demo with his gear. Needless to say, i was thrilled at the chance to both hear and see these speakers in action. Unfortunately, he did not bring the DDD based system but instead brought some speakers of relatively conventional design. They weren't bad or anything but it was a major let-down to say the least. Sean

My experience is similar to yours re (Ohm I's). I started as a customer after a weeks worth of auditioning during my teens back in 78 at Tech Hi Fi in Manhattan, with a set of C-2's that actually were my second choice. The first was the magnificent Ohm H's which were simply out of my price range, but never the less sounded spectacular. Then unfortunatley sold C2's to help pay for college. Fast Foward 30 odd years recently coming back into the Ohm fold, purchasing a mint set of pre owned mint I's which I refurbed with new drivers. Cannot be happier. I have nothing against the Walsh series
but preffer the absolute ultra dynamics of conventional transducers. The I's sound magnificent at whisper levels and bashing out the hard rock tunes. Why Ohm decided to abandon the classic line will always remain a mystery to me. However, all this being said, I would still love to audition a set of properly set up Ohm F's. Sean, seems to be well versed and would be able to impart good advice regarding a reputable vendor that can re-surround in case the used ones avaiable need refurbing. I know the official company tag is that the original Walsh drivers are un-rebuildable. Maybe, maybe not. However, I agree whole heartedly with you Rick. Why spend tens of thousands more than is required to experinece 98% of the delicious Ohm sound? dino