USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld

I've been meaning to share my findings and impressions from a recent six cable comparison of USB cables.

What follows is a 'work in progress draft' that I will be finalizing and posting on a blogging site.

Getting this posted is a way of lighting a fire under myself so I get the write-up finalized. And to keep my promise to share my findings with a number of Audiogoners.

What is posted is the first phase of the 'shoot-out' involving four cables.

Please note:

- This is not finalized and I will be making edits, and adding information, etc.

- This is the first phase of the comparison.

- The second phase will be posted soon.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
@ricred1   Good question and point.

I've heard smaller than 1M lengths for some USB cables being best. I've also read about avoiding longer lengths for some types of interconnect cables.

I did not ask the question specifically of any of the the cable companies represented in this comparison.

Stealth's FAQ section does not address cable length. It does address a number of other issues. I reached out to Audience for a separate question, and their response did not address cable length.

I requested equal lengths of cabling from The Cable Co. but they were not able to match all, via their lending program. 

When I was ready to purchase the Stealth I asked The Cable Co specifically about the length (the demo was 1.5M) because I did not want any surprises with a new length. I was informed that there would be no sonic difference or penalty or upside between the 1M to 2M lengths of Stealth.

I chose the 1M length because I don't like having excess cable hanging off the shelves and also paying for a length I am unlikely to need, in this application.

I cannot, from memory, discern any difference in the performance between my Stealth 1M and the 1.5M demo. 

Have you found differences? It will be good to know if you have. Thanks.
@dlcockrum  @t_ramey  @knownothing   

Thank you for your kind words. Good to hear you like the write-up. It's been exhausting and time-consuming. So the 'thumbs up' is appreciated.
This may or may not be helpful RE cable length for USB since this article is focused on S/PDIF.

I would suggest reaching out to Steve Nugent who posts here as audioengr
I also want to thank all who have posted. Thank you for your interest and your thoughts and suggestions.
Very nice information and time taken to compare and write this all up.  I personally do not use a USB cable so I have no opinion on any of the cables although I have used the different brands in other applications and have found a few similar results, go figure.  Anyway it all comes down to what you prefer anyway so as long as you are satisfied and happy, and enjoy listening, then that is what matters most.  Happy Listening.