Age old discussion I know but MM or MC? Benefits?

Some mighty long discussions on this already here but I need a refresher!
Having decided to upgrage my phono amp to a Dynavector p75 mk3 I am now wondering about my cartridge.
At present I have a Clearaudio Emotion 4 table with a Clearaudio Artist v2 cartridge.
What are main difference between mm and mc that I could expect to actually hear?
And lomc and homc? What is all that about?
Sorry if this has been thrashed to death already but just trying to get a laymans understanding if possible.
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The Dyna preamp that you bought or are going to buy is what should make your decision for you. It has a current-gain mode for MC carts only. Reportedly works especially well with Dynavector carts. I tried one with the DL-103R and was not that impressed, but others in reviews and on forums have found the current gain mode the way to go.
I did have that thought in the back of my mind, after all if dynavector can't build a cart to match their phono stage its a poor show.
However lots have had good success with other mm and mc carts with the p75.

Another alternative is a soundsmith moving iron. Sold my last MC for a soundsmith 
Don't know about these particular arm and phono but Grado can be an excellent rock cartridge, or Goldring 1042 or one step down. I use the 1042 with Nottingham, speed and resolution are good for MM and it rocks. I listen to jazzrock among other things.
I have both MM and MC cartridge. Not all records sounds good with MC. That's the reason I have both to eliminate any weakness in my system. MM does sound better with rock. But not all jazz sounds good with MC either. I don't like classical music so I couldn't comment on that.

Just like single ended tube amp isn't the answer to all type of music. Vocals SET wins and for rock, push pull for the slam.