Subs with balanced inputs?

Hey there,

I'm considering doing the XLR thing through my system and am just curious, does anyone know of a sub that takes XLR inputs? There don't seem to be many out there (top of the line REL is one, I think) so maybe there is little audible difference in the lower frequency ranges...or something. Anybody?


MAN, I`m glad someone asked this question! I was about
to ask it myself. I`m getting an Anthem AVM-20, it has
balanced outs to 10 channels, 2 for subwoofer, 2 for
center, 2 for sides, 2 for front, 2 for rear.
Yup, the Descent definitely has an XLR, and it works very nicely connected that way to a Classe SSP :) However, my SSP75 has only ONE balanced LFE out, and the the Descent has only a balanced input - so it'll be difficult to run two subs this way, at least in this config.
Can I take this one step further and ask about a sub with balanced ins and outs as I would like a high/pass output to my tube amps.