Subs with balanced inputs?

Hey there,

I'm considering doing the XLR thing through my system and am just curious, does anyone know of a sub that takes XLR inputs? There don't seem to be many out there (top of the line REL is one, I think) so maybe there is little audible difference in the lower frequency ranges...or something. Anybody?


Yup, the Descent definitely has an XLR, and it works very nicely connected that way to a Classe SSP :) However, my SSP75 has only ONE balanced LFE out, and the the Descent has only a balanced input - so it'll be difficult to run two subs this way, at least in this config.
Can I take this one step further and ask about a sub with balanced ins and outs as I would like a high/pass output to my tube amps.
Check out the SV Sound (SVS) PB13 Ultra and the PB12 Plus subwoofer lines. The amps they use with them have XLR inputs and outpus.