The Levinson Sound?

I have never listened to a Mark Levinson amp, but am curious as to what sound characteristics they have, especially the older amps from the 90's. How do they compare to say Pass Labs amps? Any info would be appreciated.
Like i said i only heard it for a few minutes at the audio show. But it did not stand out if i remember correctly. I think the audio shows are a good place to get exposed to products but a lot harder to form a feeling  on something when you hear it for a couple of minutes. Rooms, speakers and cables  all enter into it even music played.
The Levinson 336 amp is 2 channel amp 350 wats into 8 ohms and doubling down each time 700 into 4 ohms 1400 into 2 ohms. Not a multi channel amp. The power cord is hard wired so you can not swap it out . Unless you modify the amp
To add to 68pete's comments on the 336, it absolutely suffered from the same capacitor issue as the 331-333 models.  All 33x amplifiers did.
Alormd1241, kudos for using J.Gordon Holt’s dictionary. If we all use this reference the discussions here will be so much more productive.