The Levinson Sound?

I have never listened to a Mark Levinson amp, but am curious as to what sound characteristics they have, especially the older amps from the 90's. How do they compare to say Pass Labs amps? Any info would be appreciated.
To add to 68pete's comments on the 336, it absolutely suffered from the same capacitor issue as the 331-333 models.  All 33x amplifiers did.
Alormd1241, kudos for using J.Gordon Holt’s dictionary. If we all use this reference the discussions here will be so much more productive.


Ok . 336 two channels

the power cable on the 335 is not rigid, it is replaceable by any other.

the MLevinson 331,332 and 333 were equipped with PHILIPS capacitors that burst

later MLevinson rectified and released the EXCELLENT 334,335 and 336 already with other capacitors, no longer suffered from this problem

excellent amplifiers , 334,335 e 336

good hearings ..

later MLevinson rectified and released the EXCELLENT 334,335 and 336 already with other capacitors, no longer suffered from this problem


Ok . 336 two channels


the power cable on the 335 is not rigid, it is replaceable by any other.


excellent amplifiers , 334,335 e 336 
