Thoughts on best budget phono pre-amp under $400?

Looking for opinions and thoughts on best phono pre-amp under $400 used.
Will be used with a ClearAudio emotion 4 table and ClearAudio Artist V2 mm cart.
Ones I have looked at so far are Vincent pho-8, Creek obh-15, Lounge Audio mk3.
Hopefully get some solid advice and suggestions from actual users.
Listen mainly to modern rock and some classic rock, think A7X, Yes, Rush, Audioslave etc.
Thank you in advance and happy thanksgiving to all!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz

I have not been able to try yet as my new table arrived but it had xlr connectors.
So still waiting for a set of xlr to RCA adapters to arrive so I can give it a test drive.
Hnmm. Why adapters? Why not new leads?  The tonearm uses terminated RCA sockets so you only need RCA phono cable.

I have the Parks Budgie, and I think it's nice; brand new, it's in your price range. No MC input, but at this price, that's to be expected. There's a link on Spelly's post that gives the specifications, plus they might allow you to take it for a test drive.