What's Toshiba replacing the Toshiba HD XA2 with?

Anyone know what Toshiba is replacing the HD XA2 with for SD DVD upscaling, if there is such a model in the works?
Cyto you seem to forget about Toshiba paying millions to Paramount to drop BluRay. Hell HD was even backed by Microsoft, that in itself is reason enough to drop it.

Sure Sony has made many mistakes. And I am not an apologist for them. Their quality control is abysmal and they have cheapened the ES line. I haven't purchased a Sony product in years and don't intend to anytime soon.

Sony lost around a 100.00 on every PS3 they sold. SACD hasn't done well for the simple reason it did not sell well and had to compete wiyh DVDA.

Maybe Toshiba can go back to selling military secrets to the Russians.
Rwwear: I know Toshiba Paid Paramount $120 million to go HD-DVD only.... my point was that Sony was more successful by buying both Fox and Warner alliance and that finished off HD-DVD.
Leedistad: Yeah, I read that Wall Street Journal interview http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120450428955606405.html?mod=moj_todays_paper from the CEO of Toshiba yesterday stating they would continue to make upscaling DVD players and invest more in downloadable technology.

"WSJ: Will you try to play a role in the video-downloading market?

Mr. Nishida: That's what we're hoping. We've been developing technologies in this area already, but now that we don't have the HD DVD business, I want to put even more energy into that."