What's Toshiba replacing the Toshiba HD XA2 with?

Anyone know what Toshiba is replacing the HD XA2 with for SD DVD upscaling, if there is such a model in the works?
Rwwear: I know Toshiba Paid Paramount $120 million to go HD-DVD only.... my point was that Sony was more successful by buying both Fox and Warner alliance and that finished off HD-DVD.
Leedistad: Yeah, I read that Wall Street Journal interview http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120450428955606405.html?mod=moj_todays_paper from the CEO of Toshiba yesterday stating they would continue to make upscaling DVD players and invest more in downloadable technology.

"WSJ: Will you try to play a role in the video-downloading market?

Mr. Nishida: That's what we're hoping. We've been developing technologies in this area already, but now that we don't have the HD DVD business, I want to put even more energy into that."