Dedicated 20 amp lines/should i use a sub panel

Happy New Year to all!!

I am about to install 3 - 20 amp dedicated lines for my stereo. I still have space in my 200 amp main panel but was wondering if their is any benefit to installing a 60 amp sub panel for the 3 audio circuits , also as i am using 10 gauge wire and its not the easiest to manipulate should i hook up the bare wire to the receptacles looped around the screws or inserted in the holes or should i use spade connection's. any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
No, don't use a sub panel. I used 10 ga. years ago when I had my dedicated room, it is a bear to use. The best connection would be the screw. Use needle nose pliers to make a 3/4 loop and do not use spade connectors. Buy the best outlets you can. If you don't want to use audiophile duplexes, I recommend Porter Ports. These are sold on AudiogoN by Albert Porter and are cryo treated Hubble hospital grade.
Just curious, why do you say not to use a sub panel. as far as my outlets i'm using Furutech GTX outlets. 
There is no need if you have space in the main panel. It is best not to introduce additional wiring and contact points in my opinion. The Furutech outlets are an excellent choice.