Lyra Etna SL vs. Transfiguration Proteus + Koetsu Urushi

I had an unfortunate incident and accidentally broke off the cantilever of my "My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent Bc" which had barely 50 hours on it (long story). It was a terrific all a a-rounder and my back up Benz LPS is already getting long in the tooth so I guess it's time for  a new cart or carts.

I have read many reviews on the Lyra Etna SL and searched most forums and  almost all of them had rave reviews. Though I have not heard this cart personally nor any Lyra cart for that matter. What is holding me back is the price. It is difficult to purchase a cart ( or any piece of audio for that matter ) without a home demo. In this case, it will be a blind buy. As an example, the Ortofon A90, it had rave reviews and a lot of people love it. I didn't hate it but it wasn't my cup of tea. Now,  If I love the Etna SL  than great ( at this price range "like" is not enough ), if not I'm dead to rights with a very expensive cart. 

On the other hand, I have heard the Proteus and was absolutely impressed and I also have heard most Koetsu's which is definitely pure magic in the midrange. Though the different colors in the Urushi line still bewilders me. I was initially intrigued by the Coralstone but I didn't feel it would be a good all a-arounder for that price.

So, would you get the better more expensive cart ( I am assuming based on price alone ) or the musical flexibility of two carts with polar opposite characteristics? The price of the Lyra SL is almost similar to the Proteus plus Urushi added together. Your thoughts appreciated.

P.S. I have an extra armwand for my Graham so no need to get an extra tonearm.
P.P.S My system is in the virtual systems ( sorry, don't know how to attach it/link it here)
I have owned the Orpheus L, a brilliant cart and I preferred it to the Proteus that I had in my system for a brief while. In the context of my system and my musical priorities, the Etna SL is not only the best cart that I have owned but has few, if any peers, at any price point. It’s an amazing cart that takes musical enjoyment to a different level. I have the Etna SL and MC Anna mounted on the same table with similar arms, a Durand Kairos and Talea2. I usually start playing an lp with the Anna and visitors gush over the SQ. I  switch to the Etna SL and there is a palpable sense of disbelief. The Etna SL takes the sonic picture several notches higher.
Just my 2 cents worth

                This was exactly the answer I was looking for. Thank you. Despite my initial concern regarding the musical flexibility of the Koetsu Coralstone, I have decided to either get the Etna SL, now knowing how superior it is to the Proteus, or the Coralstone. Ofcourse at this price point I can only afford one. Now to do more research and if possible to hear both cartridges before purchasing. 
I moved from the Benz LPS (4 years) to an Air Tight PC-1 Supreme. Also owned/used the Koetsu RSP for a while. I listened to a lot of cartridges and couldn't find one I liked more than the Benz, until the Air Tight Supreme. I would try and listen to it and even more the Air Tight Opus 1.
Dear @tom_hankins : Air Tigth cartridges are builded by My Sonic Labs.

@attymbb, very good choice the Lyra Etna.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,