Lyra Etna SL vs. Transfiguration Proteus + Koetsu Urushi

I had an unfortunate incident and accidentally broke off the cantilever of my "My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent Bc" which had barely 50 hours on it (long story). It was a terrific all a a-rounder and my back up Benz LPS is already getting long in the tooth so I guess it's time for  a new cart or carts.

I have read many reviews on the Lyra Etna SL and searched most forums and  almost all of them had rave reviews. Though I have not heard this cart personally nor any Lyra cart for that matter. What is holding me back is the price. It is difficult to purchase a cart ( or any piece of audio for that matter ) without a home demo. In this case, it will be a blind buy. As an example, the Ortofon A90, it had rave reviews and a lot of people love it. I didn't hate it but it wasn't my cup of tea. Now,  If I love the Etna SL  than great ( at this price range "like" is not enough ), if not I'm dead to rights with a very expensive cart. 

On the other hand, I have heard the Proteus and was absolutely impressed and I also have heard most Koetsu's which is definitely pure magic in the midrange. Though the different colors in the Urushi line still bewilders me. I was initially intrigued by the Coralstone but I didn't feel it would be a good all a-arounder for that price.

So, would you get the better more expensive cart ( I am assuming based on price alone ) or the musical flexibility of two carts with polar opposite characteristics? The price of the Lyra SL is almost similar to the Proteus plus Urushi added together. Your thoughts appreciated.

P.S. I have an extra armwand for my Graham so no need to get an extra tonearm.
P.P.S My system is in the virtual systems ( sorry, don't know how to attach it/link it here)
I moved from the Benz LPS (4 years) to an Air Tight PC-1 Supreme. Also owned/used the Koetsu RSP for a while. I listened to a lot of cartridges and couldn't find one I liked more than the Benz, until the Air Tight Supreme. I would try and listen to it and even more the Air Tight Opus 1.
Dear @tom_hankins : Air Tigth cartridges are builded by My Sonic Labs.

@attymbb, very good choice the Lyra Etna.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


The Air Tight Supreme is faster, more transparent, higher resolution of detail, still equally fleshed out and musical. The Opus 1 takes it up even a few more notches.  I still have a new LPS for back up.  

Certainly not a fair comparison price wise between the PC-1 Supreme, and the Benz LP-S. I liked the Ruby 3, but in my system, it didn't compare to Koetsu RSP.  Here again (at the time) the RSP was $2,000 more than the Ruby. I hate to cloud matters, but I've heard the EMT Jsd-75A easily beats it's lower priced stable mate, Tsd-15. If that's true, I bet it's one heck of a cartridge. I feel the Tsd-15 is a real overachiever at less than $2K.