Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
Absolutely agreed. Once you've cleaned an LP with an ultrasonic cleaner, you realize no other method even comes close.
Phil - Thanks for this post - finally a cleaning system that looks like it's a winer!

I've looked at the brush/fluid/vacuum varieties and read countless reviews and still could not decide.

After seeing this video - I was sold!

If ultrasonics can remove graphite from a ceramic ring (granted the tank is industrial) - then a "personal sized" variant should be able to handle some groove crud.

I got some pressing from the 50's and 60's that should spring back to life

SOLD! - I'm gonna get me one :-)

Cheers - Steve