Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

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Good stuff.  I appreciate all the feedback / guidance.  And hopefully others will too.

I agree that my methods are compromised in an effort to move more quickly through my collection.

The alcohol to distilled water should be about 50 to 1. Roughly 150 ounces of water (a gallon and then some) vs 3 ounces of alcohol.

Based on the above I will tone down my use of alcohol and I will likely look into Versaclean as an alternative to soap products.  I may also look into getting a pump/filter - it can only help.

About how much Versaclean should I add to my 150 oz mixture?

Also, I think I need to buy a thermometer to get an alternate reading on fluid temperature.

With respect to filling the tank only two thirds full to optimize performance  I don't think I have a solution to that as I need the water level to cover the entire surface of the record. 

I did go back and clean a couple of previously cleaned records putting just two on a spindle to see if I'd notice a difference.  Did this a couple of times and I couldn't see any noticeable particulate in the tank, but I think this is a suspect test as I imagine much of what gets removed is hard to see with the naked eye.

In any event, it's clear that my solution and approach is less than optimal, but it does seem to be a big step forward so I think I will make the changes to alcohol and look into Versaclean and a pump/filter and continue to forge ahead.

Thanks again for all the input.

Pleasure to help, Phil. We're all in this together!

I use VersaClean at 40:1 for clean records, the minimum recommended. For garage sale records, 20:1. A gallon goes a loooong way! (guilty secret here - also works brilliantly for good wine glasses)

I cleaned about 2000 records at insufficient heat, spacing, and rinsing. Then I upgraded methodology to 45C, 1.75", and heroic rinsing, changed the chemistry and re-cleaned 30 records as an experiment. I found almost as much debris at the bottom of the US tank as the first time (which was US cleaning of previously VPI cleaned records). I observed no discoloration the second time. Listening tests confirmed the improvement. Machine was an Elmasonic running at 80KHz.
Thanks Terry.

I've already started to make slight mods...

Backed off the chemicals - basically cut everything in half.
Ordered Versaclean
Only cleaning 4 records at a time instead of 6
Not sure if my machine will be able to get temp up to 45C with the lid off, but I will give it a go.

I also took a closer look at the water / solution and I can see from certain angles that there is more going on than I imagine.  There are things suspended in the water - not just the particulate that I see at the bottom of the tank.  I think this means either more frequent cleanings of the water or that I should get a pump.

Not sure that I want to take on the heroic rinsing right now, but perhaps going forward I will spot clean/rinse some of my favorites as an experiment.

And thanks for the tip regarding VersaClean on my stemware.

Phil, I should have mentioned that when you clean hotter, you should cool the records as uniformly as possible. That's easy by spinning in a distilled water bath.

Thanks Terry, that's not something I would have thought about.  As I said, I'm having a hard time getting my tank above 35c so I don't think it's much of an issue now, but if I get a different tank at some point in the future it could be.