Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

Ag insider logo xs@2xphil0618
@slaw @terry9  
I also just put a pump together.  Very similar to Slaw. 

I used a slightly stronger motor from the same company - A108, 5 Amp, 1.2 gpm.  But honestly, I think it's overkill.  That pump moves a lot of water, so I wouldn't obsess about the power of the pump motor.  A motor moving half the fluid seems like it would be plenty.  

Nothing elegant about my solution, just a 1 micron filter, pump, and power supply.  No housing.

I think Slaw's idea of using a plug to be able to connect and disconnect the power supply from the pump does seem convenient.  Having a quick connect from the tank to the pump might also be convenient.

More to tinker with, but the net is this setup seems to clean the fluid very quickly.
@phil0618 ,

Yeah, my little pump really has great output.

I’m still "tinkering" as well. What I’m doing now is cycling on the pump between each cleaning for around 1 & 1/2 minutes. When I figure the best way to secure the return hose in a logic/functional way so it will stay in a corner of the tank, I may try to run the pump while cleaning for a couple of minutes. Just a thought, I don’t know if would help or not.
BTW, at this point during my weekend cleaning, before the filtering system, I would have noticed the water becoming cloudy and the cleaned lps having some dust particles on them when removed. So far, this isn't happening at this stage of the weekend.

Still having fun.

@pryso @terry9, (Apologies for my interjection). My passion overrides good sense at times. Terry9, I realize this is the second time I've made an apology to must be worried. haha!
I use to tinker. I made my own cables, rack, RCM and I was considering to build my own TT and cartridge set. I was even considering making my own music and pressing my own vinyl. Then I woke up! I went down stairs. It was just a bad dream. 🖖✌️
slaw, no need to apologize.  I thought my little teasing would be obvious to everyone but apparently it was not.

Anyway, not to detract from a serious subject (yes, I'd like to optimize the performance of my records too) but I can't resist a bit of fun from time to time.