Vintage tube suggestions

Need help with tube selection. What would you consider a great value 
(budget of $100 per tube) for 12AX7 vintage tubes? Application would 
be preamp, and possibly DAC.
I am not sure how vintage tubes will work in your pre or DAC but I never had a where vintage tubes didn't improved quality of my systems sound. I can't really turn and go back to using reissued tubes. In my tube gears...Vintage rule.. lol.
I owned a Jolida preamp and using NOS was a vast improvement. If you are using Mullards in the Dac then maybe you should use a more neutral tube in the preamp.

Telefunken is very neutral, dynamic and has a huge soundstage. RCA BlackPlates are very open and realistic sounding, more like classic tube sonics. And inexpensive.
An important point is to purchase NOS tubes from a reliable dealer. Using Ebay is risky since the tubes may not be of the highest quality.
Now I remember markj, you didn’t like bass that the Gold Lions were giving you. I think you’ve got enough Mullards in your system. They are not known for tight bass.  Telefunkens or Amperex are considered to be pretty good in the bass and top quality tubes, but to be honest we’re all just guessing about what might give you the sound you want. Different brands of tubes are generally considered to have a particular sound, but it doesn’t always work that way in a particular system. It’s really hard for anyone to guarantee that what works in their system will work in yours. It’s also possible that the tubes aren’t the cause.

The best suggestion I can give you is to call Upscale Audio, Brent Jessee or Jim McShane and talk to them about what would work. A phone call won’t be a commitment to buy. Just tell them you need to think it over. They are all willing to give a little free advice.

Below is a link to a thread about tubes in your Jolida Fusion:

and another: