Jolida Fusion Preamp Guidance please

Hi Folks,

I currently run an Arcam AVR350 receiver into an EL34 tube power amp and I'm considering switching out the Arcam for a tube preamp and going all tube. (When I added the tube power amp a couple of years ago, it made a significant difference over the Arcam power section.) I like the Arcam for the subwoofer out, remote control, built in DACs, so I'm looking for a tube pre that is modern with those features for WAF issues. 

So my top contender to replace it is the Jolida Fusion DAC/PRE Bluetooth. It has two 12ax7s in the preamp and of course digital inputs and has an extra output for subwoofer and remote - everything I want on paper. 

Jolida also sells a Fusion preamp that is all analog and has 4 12ax7s. It has everything except the DACs and of course I could add an external DAC if I wanted. 

My questions are: are more preamp tubes always better than less?

Is the Fusion DAC/Pre a true full preamp or is it a compromise due to the included DAC? Ie, is this model missing any key 'preamp' feature? It seems like I read somewhere about a tube rectifier, for example. 

If the context is helpful, I run a 2.1 system - GR Research Neo2X monitors, powered 12' sub, and I listen to a wide variety of music with a majority being singer/songwriter guitar driven and blues/americana. 

Thanks very much for your time,

I own the Fusion preamp and think it a fine preamp at it's price. I am not familiar with the DAC/pre. I suggest that you compare the two preamps on the Jolida website, and then call Jolida and ask as to how each might best fit in your system. 
No, more tubes do not necessarily mean better sound.  The Fusion preamp appears to be an upgraded version of  the preamp/DAC, though.  So in this case it is likely that the 4 tube version sounds better than the 2 tube version.  

I have read good things about the Fusion on this site.  The DAC is not a gimmick as preamp/DAC combos are becoming more common.  The way DACS are improving, though, you may want to have a separate DAC so that you can upgrade it separately from your preamp.  Although you could also upgrade your preamp/DAC  to a better preamp/DAC.

From the Jolida site I'd say the preamp/DAC is their good/value model while the preamp is their audiophile model.  I agree with mesch that you should give them a call and talk over with them which might work best for you.

If you do a search there are a number of threads here about the Fusion.
Thanks very much - I'll call them tomorrow as I can't make sense of the info from their website. 

Keeping digital and tube separate makes sense with the ever changing digital landscape - I'll have to keep that in mind