New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

@jayctoy a matter of fact we will be there, we'll be sharing a room with Triangle Art and Angel City Audio ( Rm 610 )....please come knocking....looking forward to shaking your hand and having a chat....
 A couple of hours ago I took delivery of Teo Audio GC 2 ,.,...
Cold out of the box ,...Wow 

more later
Not burned in at all.  Long way to go and they are probably at their worst, right now. :)

But, They have a specific form of a precondition burn in, before they leave our shop.

You are about ..oh....100-150 hrs of ’line level’ (full cd levels, to a preamp) signal way from peak performance.

Do not use cable cookers on Teo Audio cables -just a note for everyone.

Play music to break them in -only.

Do you have the original GC's or any other cable from Teo to compare to?
Exceptional job Teo Audio ,.! 

t-Ramey I do not have any of thier other interconnects or speaker wire this is my very first experience with Teos interconnects.
Right off the bat I was taken by low level resolution that grabbed my attention to things i found difficulty decening what that subtle sound was  ,....well I’m a freak for micro dynamics ,,,.
Anyway,  these interconnects have a tremendous amount going for them , just fabulous . My old FM tuner is going back in service to help settle these interconnects in . 

If the GC II was designed with trickle down technology from Teos flagship Kronos , I’m going to have to buy some .