New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):


Just to clarify, you have the CT Matrix ic’s in this comparison? I think in_shore had the Matrix when comparing to the GCII. 
T_ramney, no I don’t have the matrix nor the gc2, i will attend the Axpona 2018 , hopefully Teo will bring their G2, Honestly iam super happy to both, I can’t afford the matrix, I think if the G2 is just even a bit improvement of the GC, for the price can’t beat it.
I ordered the GCII and they are currently in route to me and hopefully will have them by Monday and will be able to compare to the original GC. I had the CT GE ic’s and much preferred the GC’s. 
As a previous owner of both the original GC and Splash Rs, I have a pair of Ultra's being made; hard going back to traditional wire after hearing a drastic improvement over the best wire I had during that time...
