scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
For the millionth time, why does everybody ignore the fact that the Aczel crowd never maintained that all cables sound the same. Their theory was that all differences between cables are due solely to inductance, resistance and capacitance values, which are easily measured and can drastically change the frequency response of a speaker. So, yes - cables with the same LCR values will sound the same. So they maintain. Whether it’s true or not is another story.

An excellent example of a wishy washy defense of Aczel. Not that I blame you very much. As my old boss at NASA used to say, never get behind anyone 100%. 😬
best antidote to what might be an annoying repetitive type post
is to ignore it.Once you jump in you're part of "the problem".
   I'm in favor of minimal policing. It seems like members do a 
good job of showing annoyers and trolls the door.
And some of us to find an entertainment value in the fights.
Depends what mood you're in.
I originally thought that a short length of speaker (2 1/2 meter) cable didn't mean that much difference....especially two same lengths of very similar construction.  I substituted one kind - thin minimally jacketed silver - with another thin minimally jacketed silver...   both were a bi-wired set.  The difference was night and day.   I don't know why, but that is the truth.

I originally thought that a short length of speaker (2 1/2 meter) cable didn't mean that much difference....especially two same lengths of very similar construction. I substituted one kind - thin minimally jacketed silver - with another thin minimally jacketed silver... both were a bi-wired set. The difference was night and day. I don't know why, but that is the truth.

>>>>>The most likely reason is wire directionality. One cable was connected in the right direction, the other in the wrong direction. Case solved.

I've always been curious about wire directionality. What causes a cable or interconnect to work better in one direction than the other?

All: Please feel free to chime in. Is there any scientific basis for this?