Used Sonus Faber vs. New Entry level SF?

Hi - I recently auditioned the Sonus Faber newer Chameleon speakers and liked the mids and highs; not sure on the lows - seemed a bit light and not tight - could have been the room, and I could add a sub if needed. 

There are not many reviews on these Chameleons so I'm trying to decide whether to put my money on a 'higher end' used pair of SF like the Grand Piano Home at $1800 used (or other used SF) vs. the new Chameleon's for about the same price.  Thanks for any advice  
To me, it's a no brainer, if you find a used set that is in like new or excellent condition.  Speakers tend to depreciate in price so fast that you can get much better speakers for the same price as new ones.  The only caveat would be if the new model sports some advance in the tweeters or mids that the older model doesn't have.  But I don't think SF has made any such advance.
Since the SF seem to have the same house sound, I would definitely go used.  You get so much more for the money.  Newer drivers do not always mean more musical.