Tube Preamp Recommendations please to partner with Parasound JC-1's....

I would appreciate recommendations from the Audiogon community for a tube preamp with balanced outputs to use with a pair of Parasound JC-1 's.   Having a good built-in MC phono stage is a real plus. 
Looking for something used at less tha $5k. 

Considering a McIntosh there anything else I should consider?
Currently using an Audio Aero Prestige CD with built-in pre amp.  The goal is to improve musicality and add a bit of warmth (better mid-bass).  Speakers are Piega P-10's. 

Recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.  
Thanks again to all.  Atmosphere, six and vegasears. Much appreciated.

Vegasears: Would you please tell me what amp(s) you are using? 
I read a recent review on the Steve Hoffman site and the user said that he bought a C2500 and was very pleased... Unlike the C2300, the C2500 has the ability to change the input names too as they are not affixed like with the C2300. 
I use VTL 450MKII tubed mono blocks. There are a few of us who purchased NOS close-out C2500's lurking about. I would have been happy with the C2300.  My understanding is, with the C2500 Mc added a DAC to the package and a few other control features but sound wise the C2500 is pretty much the same as the C2300. So picking the C2500 came down to paying a little more for new and the three year warranty. 

Good Luck.
I just purchased a pair of JC-1 and also would like to run a tube preamp.  I have not seen anyone mention Conrad Johnson.  I am thinking of picking up a CT-5.  Any opinions on the match?
ap_wannabe: I wish I could help, but I continue to use the preamp (with tube output stage) in my Audio Aero Prestige CD/SACD/DAC player with my Parasound JC-1’s. I’ve tried the Mac C2500, but preferred the preamp in my Audio Aero. I hope you enjoy the JC-1’s. They have been great performers for me for a number of years and at their price point, they are terrific.
There's an Allnic L3000 available here for $3700 that retailed for over $10,000.  Audio Beat and Dagogo have good reviews on it and both call it one of the best tube preamps extant.  Sounds like a worthy contender to the pre in your AA.  FWIW...