
Responses from ap_wannabe

Vinyl VS Digital
I am not going to get into a debate about sound and what sounds better or why because its too subjective.  But, I'll argue all day about which formats are capable of delivering more dynamic range and frequency response.  It's clear by every scient... 
Vinyl VS Digital
I guess my thinking is most of what I have is CD and even more in FLAC.  I enjoy Roon which does a great job merging my FLAC collection with Tidal. Probably 90% of all listening time is either spent looking for new tracks or playing the playlists ... 
Vinyl VS Digital
Well I am sticking with digital and going "all in."  After hearing PS Audio Direct Stream DAC at Axpona, reading reviews and doing further research, I am buying one.  I've read some audio geeks are giving up there analog rigs after getting one the... 
I own a pair of these.  Here is my take on these headphones.  I will assume you have read at least the marketing and features.The setting up of the hearing profile requires you adjust the headphones on your ears until it detects a proper seal.  Th... 
Vinyl VS Digital
@golferboy I know, its been awhile.  The issue I was having turned out to be a bad cartridge.  However, I wanted to comment on everything else you said which to summarize is "Pay UP$$" if your expecting the sound of Vinyl to match the clarity, det... 
Whats playing on your system today?
@lenmc296 Henry Gross - Plug Me Into Something !!!.  I remember listening to this with my dad way back when it came out.  I've been trying to get him to hand it down but he wont even though he's now deaf in one ear.Great album  
Oppo 203D or 205D?
The 205 has high quality playback.  It is ROON compliant so in addition to movies I use it to stream my digital collection using the analog balanced outs.  It makes quite a difference.     
Whats playing on your system today?
Just picked up a new pair of JC-1 amps.  Outstanding dynamics.  Loving Natalie Merchant: Leave Your SleepTracks Peppery Man and Bleezer's Ice Cream - Awesome! 
Tube Preamp Recommendations please to partner with Parasound JC-1's....
I just purchased a pair of JC-1 and also would like to run a tube preamp.  I have not seen anyone mention Conrad Johnson.  I am thinking of picking up a CT-5.  Any opinions on the match? 
Whats playing on your system today?
Leonard Cohen - 10 New Songs.   
Whats playing on your system today?
Jen Chapin - Revisions 
Cd storage / backup
I used a Mac computer to rip all my CD's to FLAC using xAct audio software.  I use a Google wireless network (3 piece) which employs a mesh network between its devices.  This is much better than traditional routers and extenders.I copy all Flac fi... 
Vinyl VS Digital
Has anyone else heard a sound stage difference between the same recordings at the same volume vinyl versus CD.  It is so pronounced in my system. On digital recordings its as if I had a center speaker playing.  On albums there is no center speaker.   
Scansonic mb serie
I agree with the boominess assessment.  Also thanks for confirming these speakers are not for reproducing AC/DC at concert levels.  That being said, I think the midrange, treble and imaging is hard to beat for acoustic and vocal.  I'm considering ... 
Scansonic mb serie
I was at a similar demonstration where they first played the MB-1 and then switched to the 2.5.  The sound of both pairs were astounding and the room was packed.  The bass put out by the MB-1 was surprising.  However at one point there was some cl...