New or Old CD Player?

Let's say I have $5K, tops, to buy a CD player. I don't need digital inputs, outputs, etc. I don't need to spin SACD's. I only intend to play Redbook CD's and want a one-box solution. Would my money be better spent on a new unit, like maybe a Hegel Mohican? Or should I buy a component that was close to state of the art a decade ago? Like maybe a Simaudio 750D, or an Audio Research Reference CD8? Thoughts?
For the Marantz SA-10 available to audition...
Audio Emporium in Brown Deer (suburb of Milwaukee) Wisconsin.
He mentioned to call to ask for an audition. The player may not be in the store.. So call to arrange for listening session.

As for old DACs and players sounding pretty good? I totally agree great sounding players are around.
(and some that sound terrible!) but it is pretty easy to get decent sound off CD.
I was happy with what I had for many years.
But I am awaiting the arrival of my new Marantz SA-10
And the upgrade in sound, for $7000 is subtle. and a little hard to justify to myself on the money side (being a cheapskate) But it seems enough of an upgrade in sound (particularly the treble, and I am a treble nut) to go for it.
I spent $7000 for upgrades on cables with almost the same amount of ’up’.. So I can justify it to myself.

Thank You- elizabeth

you are certainly one of the very few to purchase/own the SA-10.

Keep me posted upon receipt of the player and integration into your system.

Happy Listening!

I have never heard a $ 5000 CD player so I definately dont know what I am missing.  When my CD player broke I found a W4S Music Server with a 1 GB SSD on ebay for $ 1000.  When I replaced my CD player I found the CD's I ripped onto the Music Server sounded a lot better than from a new Marantz CD player.  I also was able to explore HiRez files and DSD.  I have 2 DAC's that sound very different that I like each in their own way that I switch between.  I ripped all my CD's, my kids CD's, my bothers CD's and my brother in Law's CD and still have 300 MB space left.  I have a crappy little app on my iphone to control the player that lets me change music as fast as my fingers fly.  Its kinda nice.  
Believe it or not, there's a CD playback system called the dCS Vivaldi 2.0 that costs $120K. Google it.