Mono Blocks on a Budget, is it possible?

I’m really struggling with the direction to take my system. I have the following:

Legacy Classics speakers
Aurender N100H media player
Schiit Freya tube pre-amp
Schiit Yggdrasil DAC
Schiit Vidar x2 (in mono block mode)

I will be replacing speakers at some point but the rest of the system I love... except the Vidars. Before them, I had NAD 356BEE that was used for the amp. Very clean and I loved it, except it was only 80 Watts. I decided to upgrade to the Vidars. They cost twice as much From a good manufacturer like Schiit so they must be better right? Not really. They are more noisy than the NAD amp and I’m finding myself less in love with them that I though I would be. I was planning the Vidar purchase for about a year and now that I got them I don’t know which direction to take in replacing them. I want to get cleaner mono amps but don’t want to spend more than $3k MAX for both. The Vidars are 400 Watts into 8ohm, are there any options out there for me that are close to the Vidar specs? I’m open to used but mostly I want the amps to sound almost completely clean with practically no distortion. 
+1 for Odyssey. Haven’t heard anything in that price range that can match ‘em. The quality and care that goes into them is equal to some very expensive gear.
I will vote also for Odyssey mono blocks. He was at Axpona this year and his gear rates with the best. Magico uses his amps to voice their speakers! 
I will keep posting as I listen more but as of right now I am impressed with the Crown XLS 1502s.  Almost my entire front end of my system is brand new right now, though.  The reviews of the amps say they need at least 100 hours to break in and I am sure the Saga will keep getting better.  Tubes take a long time to settle in?  

As it is, it is all slightly harsh, but really impressive most of the time.  I have it set up vertically bi-amped right now, and I can try bridged later.

The Vidar gets here tomorrow, so I will definitely have an opinion on it as soon as I feel it gets settled in a little bit.

I like it all enough that I went ahead and ordered four 3 foot Anticables.  If I don’t wind up with the Crown amps or a pair of Vidar, I am pretty sure I will have a pair of amps driving the system.

Has anybody tried the Burson Timekeepers?
A lot of watts for your money
In stereo just 80w
But buy two and bridge them and you have 240w at 8 ohms
At just 900 each?
Free shipping?
Full warranty?
Darn good deal
Seriously interested in using a pair for a third system if anybody has used them please speak up
There is a pair of recently upgraded Odyssey Khartago Extreme Monoblocks for sale on Audio Circle for $1200.  A hard deal to pass up if you have to have Monos.