Phono stage and cartridge

Hello FriendsI'm hoping some one can give me advice, I live on the far south coast of Australia, there is no Hi FI, shops, down here, the closet is 4 hours drive to Sydney, the biggest city in Australia!My audio gear is:1. Onnce Analog TT,  made here in Aust
2.."the wand Arm " made in New Zealand, with a Zu/Denon 103, cartridge
3 .Phono stage, is PS Audio GPH4. Pre amp is PS Audio, stellar Pre/Dac5. Pair of audiolabs, mono blocks 2500 WPC
5 Zu Audio Soul MK 11 speakers!!Most of my  recordings, sould great, but there are a lot. that has good bass, but a harsh, sound overall!!I put this down to The Zu Cartridge, or the PS phono stage??I have never consider, the use of a "sub", as i don't no, how this worrks??Can you friends, give me a "heads up" ??.1. New cartridge??, yore input??
2. Different phono stage(I like a strong balls in the Bass)?3. Subs? I have no experience, with these, where do I place these??
Many thanks, any input would be appreciate !!
Consider a tube phono section. Generally speaking, they tend to sound smoother.
It will have plenty of slam as long as it has enough gain to work with your cartridge.
Every one, for your input, I would like to here a how at tube phono stage, sounds, I like "meat and balls", Can I get this, with out spending thousands of dollars!!Please give me a insight, on good tube phono stages, with ball's, with out the harshness, that  comes with, solid state phono stage??
Manyl ThanksDavid