

Responses from daveyonthecoast

Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks Friend'sI think I might, had confused peoplejust a quick recapI have a PS Audio GHPH S/S, phono stage, and a PS Audio Pre AmpI love the deep bass I get, and slam, but at the same time, it gives me a harshness, on most recordings, some one t... 
Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks AllSorry to sound, bad, but we have missed the point??I have a PS GPH, I wish the cartridge loading would be better, the cartridge loading is 300 ohms, but the loading is 500 ohms, the bass is great, but the high octaves, on some recordings... 
Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks AllTube, phono stage, or tube preampI still want my kick ass bass, but a little smooth, at the high references??Tube Phono Stage, or Tube, pre amp ??Please help!! 
Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks FriendsI;m very happy with my set up, I love the deep bass, but at the same time, the upper sounds harsh, I know I will have to get a tube unit, in to tame, the highs, but at the same time, I don't want to lose the great bass!!!My phono sta... 
Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks All!!Just a update, I have a PS Audio, SS phono stage, should I keep it??and then replace the the SS preamp, with a tube, pre amp,with balanced, cables, that will feed my SS mono blocks??Your Thought'sMany ThanksDavid 
Tube phono stage, or solid state,pre amp
Thanks all!!I still need more info!!Shall I leave the PS Audio phono stage, alone??, I wish it came with more cartridge, loadings, Although I feel, but am not sure??, is the PS Audio Pre/Dac, the weak link??, the only reason, I have a Pre amp is b... 
Phono stage and cartridge
Thanks Every one, for your input, I would like to here a how at tube phono stage, sounds, I like "meat and balls", Can I get this, with out spending thousands of dollars!!Please give me a insight, on good tube phono stages, with ball's, with out t... 
Phono stage and cartridge
Thanks Allfor your input, l can see where you are all going!!Most of you are right, I pulled a few records, from my collection( most of my LP's are mint) most are new, played once or twice, I have a huge collection!!, yes most of you are right, th... 
speakers with balls
ThanksEvery one, for you input, i seems, a lot of you like the Klisch, floor standers, I have check out the web, but all info seems to support, that they are more suitable, to home cinema, I'm after stereo two channel music!!With deep, fast bass w... 
Tube or Trasistor
Thanks To AllI have replaced, my tube mono blocks, with transistor mono blocks, one thing I have noticed, is more control in the "Bass", however the harsh sound is still there, do you think, replacing the solid state pre amp and phono with tubes??... 
I keed your help??, re my whole system
Thanks Everone, for your input!!I'm really confused!!If I was to set the cartridge, at say 100ohms, would it be harsher, then say 200 ohms??. I thought the 100 ohms, would be more smoother?? The makers recommend of the Zu cartridge, is 200 ohms, b... 
I keed your help??, re my whole system
Thanks RamondaThe loading I'm using, are 100 ohms and 150 ohms, you stated that maybe using less loading, but isn't 200-400 ohms is more not less ??, to be honest I don't really know how the loading works?, can you put me on the right track??Many ... 
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!!
Thanks, everyone, for your time, in responding!!It seems, to me that the harshness, maybe something different, I don't know much about cartridge loading, I have listen to my favorite recording's, some sound great, some sound with a slight shimmeri... 
Tube Phono Stage with balls, and slam!!
Hello FriendsThanks for your input!!I just wan't to know, if feeding a tube phono stage, to a tube push pull intergrated, would be to much of a good thingI like my music fast with good bass and plenty of slam!!The system at the moment, is a solid ... 
zu omen floorstander speakers
Thank'sEveryone, for your input, yes I will purshase, the Zu, speakers first, as I heard them when in the states, last year, they have a Aust shop, I was very inpress, with them, as I like my music loud, if no one, is home, but I did notice, they ...