Seeking info N.E.W. Nirvana Electronic Works A20

I've got a N.E.W. A20 which I bought used. (or is it A20.1 ; I don't know)

I'm seeking info on the company, the amp, etc. Please post any info you've got.

I've heard the N.E.W. A20 was copied off the schematic of the First Watt Aleph J when that schematic was posted (Was it posted on Pass D.I.Y.? I can't find it there....)

Apparently the reason the N.E.W. company isn't around any more has something to do with the fact they were using the schematics provided to the D.I.Y. community to build a commercial product. That IS bad karma for sure, if true.

I'm using the amp to power the ribbon tweeters in my tri-amped Magnepan MG 3.6 speakers and it sounds real nice in that capacity.

I've read the amps were manufactured by Cary for N.E.W. I've also read that Cary will service them. I am trying to find out if this is true, maybe Cary will reply....

PLEASE- ANY info you have would be useful.

The A 20 was designed by Nelson who always wanted to design a small Class A amp. He didn't feel it was commercially viable so he entered into the partnership with Ted Bennett and Mitch Friedman. No bad karma. In fact the opposite. The NEW products were amazing valuers for the $$$. You don't listen to shiny metal knobs and blocks of sculpted metal. The DC amps were revolutionary for there time!!.
Looking at this old thread after a long time....

Thanks for all the info.  Interesting to know that Mr. Pass was actually involved with the company so this is not an unauthorized commercialization of  a design he generously gave to the DIY community.  That's good to know.

My NEW 20.1 has been in daily use since I bought it in 2009.... so it's going on 9 trouble-free years now.  Great little product and was a bargain on the used market.
Interesting to know that Mr. Pass was actually involved with the company so this is not an unauthorized commercialization of a design he generously gave to the DIY community.

The  N.E.W DCA-33, with battery power pack has become a bit of a sought after collectors item. As you can renew the bunch of batteries now quite cheaply compared to back then, as the are 12vdc burglar alarm batteries and they are 1/4 the price now.

Cheers George
The A 20 was designed by Nelson who always wanted to design a small Class A amp.

Nelson Pass did design a A20 in 1977 but I don’t believe he had anything whatsoever to do with the N.E.W. A20 or A20.1 it could just be a ripoff clone as Nelson I believe didn’t have any copy writes or patents on his original A20 for the diyer’s

" I emailed Nelson Pass and asked him about the rumors did he or didn’t he design it. Since he seems a modest man with a good sense of humor he simply said
"he was familiar with the product."

Bottom of page

It was a diy project or the diy’ers to make.

Lot at the parts and power supply in the one above, the NEW insides looks pretty thread bear in comparison, especially the power supply caps, and output transistor count

Cheers George