Like the new look to audiogon ?

Noticed this morning that a change happened on the site.   

If you go the category section and click on Amps / Solid State,  you then see all the thumbnails of the amps that are for sale.          Its a little confusing as first you see the BOOSTED LISTINGS, then after that is the FEATURED LISTINGS.....then you see ALL THE SOLID STATE LISTINGS. 

Gone is the category view of the listings......
@uberwaltz , I've had good luck on US Audiomart with about 5 sales. The layout of the classifieds is not very inviting, but it is definitely a viable option.
 My go to site has always been the Gon;
easy to navigate, only good experiences buying and selling, and great interaction on the forum.

I honestly hope they will restore confidence in remaining with this site.

Admins, how soon will classic list view be available? As stated, site is unusable till then. Also, the suggestion that the list view is the default setting is critical . 
I had always considered audiomart to be the very poor relation as far as audio sales were concerned.
My 2 goto sites were the Agon and eBay as search functions and layouts were first rate and intuitive.

Audiomart always seemed somewhat scrappy in comparison.
I sincerely hope Agon gets it together quickly before it is too late for them.
The new search layout is terrible. These weird little portal windows on top of the pictures is very annoying and completely pointless. Why are they obscuring the thumbnail with that?!

Also, there is no way to search by most recent listings. When you search by date it is totally random, totally broken.

Improving the search engine is welcome but the visual layout is a disaster.