Like the new look to audiogon ?

Noticed this morning that a change happened on the site.   

If you go the category section and click on Amps / Solid State,  you then see all the thumbnails of the amps that are for sale.          Its a little confusing as first you see the BOOSTED LISTINGS, then after that is the FEATURED LISTINGS.....then you see ALL THE SOLID STATE LISTINGS. 

Gone is the category view of the listings......
Well I am voting with my wallet again.
As it now looks useable I have again placed an item for sale here.
Let us see how it transpires.....
NOBODY needs a grid view as it is VERY STUPID but Audiogon wants to keep it they should get a life.
For the last however number of years, I browsed Audiogon on an almost daily basis. It was a habit, if I'm being honest.

That browsing came to an end this week. Other than 2 days after the rollout, where I tried, unsuccessfully, to search for gear I'm interested in, I didn't bother.

Now that the announcement was made restoring the ability to use the search function as it worked before (or just actually work), I'll have to see if I resume visiting Audiogon as often as I used to. It bothers me that people at Audiogon considered the changes that were implemented as a positive or improvement. What did they see that myself and the people in this thread didn't?