Like the new look to audiogon ?

Noticed this morning that a change happened on the site.   

If you go the category section and click on Amps / Solid State,  you then see all the thumbnails of the amps that are for sale.          Its a little confusing as first you see the BOOSTED LISTINGS, then after that is the FEATURED LISTINGS.....then you see ALL THE SOLID STATE LISTINGS. 

Gone is the category view of the listings......
hjow come my responce was not posted on audiogon  my spelling is better then your new web site
Unfortunately, there are no headers on the restored classic view, so you cannot sort by the header.  I  should be able to sort by category or by price. That seems to have been lost.
I would just email agon support with a list of any features you perceive to have gone awol since the latest update so they can work on fixing them.
After all they need to know before they can resolve an issue
Hooo Boy.... what a failure!  Makes me want to avoid this site altogether.  Anyone up for creating a better, more user friendly site...?