Focal Aria 926/936

I know the comparison of these two speakers has been brought up here before, but most of the conversation seems to be around the bass response. Despite having slightly lower frequency response, does anyone have any experience comparing the two in other areas of the frequency spectrum? My dealer mentioned that the mid-range driver is crossed over both higher and lower delivering better sound.

I'm leaning toward the 926 since my listening room is only 15' x 15'. Also, the height of the 936 puts the tweeter quite a bit above my ears.
I own the 948. Both in my room and experience and talking with Focal I started to adjust the Rake or tilt of the speakers. Depending on you sitting position and seat height I found this can make a substantial change in the sound presentation. Many audiophiles will agonize about an inch one way or another horizontal and never touch the Rake. 
I listened to the 948 (just as tall as the 936) and the 926 in the same room for several hours before buying the 936. The tweeter height isn't an issue. I do the same thing with my 936's jerroldls does with his 948's. You'll be listening a little further than I am. My biggest worry would be the size of that room. You will have exaggerated bass in that room with 936's. If that was the space I had to work with I'd certainly have got 926's 
I for one couldn't care less about anything Tekton makes. Kinda tired of the Tekton fanboys trying to be the marketing department, too. When you buy Focal you know you're getting grills and the same parts in the speakers every time. Not so with Tekton. 
There is no increase in bass output from 926 to 936.  All you get is tighter bass due to it being able to use three drivers not working as hard and the fact that the crossover point is lower also frees them up to do a better job.  The other aspect you gain is a slightly lower bass reach.  

Definitely not MORE bass.  The only more you get is the ability to play a little louder.  
Huh.... I've heard the 906, 926, and 948 all in the same room. That certainly wasn't the case. The 948 was vastly superior in bass depth and volume. That room was probably 4 times larger than what the OP is working with. Indeed in an anechoic environment they're all going to sound about the same to 55Hz, but the room is going to reinforce the bass more severely given it's size. My room is about 14 by 23 so I can avoid some of the corner reinforcement he's going to be dealing with. I feel in that room those things will still be making decent bass below their -6dB low point. I don't know what the OP wants for bass. I want clear, muscular, fairly balanced bass and in that room I'd put 926's if it was my money. I came real close to doing that when I bought my 936's and only didn't because I knew I'd have a bigger room at some point. 
Looking at anechoic measurements of the 936 and 826W, it's obvious that the 826W has half the hump in bass response that the 936 does. I would expect the 926 to perform almost identically to that. I think that reinforces me point.