Totem Forest or Mani-2 signature?

I am looking for a pair of Totem speakers that will work well with Bel Canto Ref1000 monoblocks.

So far I have only auditioned the Forest and Staff (with the Ref1000 too) but have not had a chance to try the Mani-2.

For those Totem owners out there, could you give me some suggestions? as how they compare and stuff... Thanks!
Wow R, I'm a Totem dealer and you have almost as much inventory as I do! I have to disagree on the placement observations, but you are right on in regards to room size. In my humble opinion, Totem is one of the best value brands out there. Once you get to the Dynaudio driver models, forget it. There is no free lunch however, as the rest of the system needs to be cha-ching (sic) to unleash the magic. Bel Canto and Forest in a 3000+cu.ft. room works for me.
Wow Rumadian, I'm very impressed with your experience on the Totem speaker line ups. My experience with the Staff is actually very similar to yours. I actually like the Staff a lot in I haven't heard the Forest.

Thank you very much for your advice. I think with my limited budget and the room I currently have my mind is set for the Forest for sure. Your help is much appreciated.
Zieman, thanks for the pricing info.
What are the Dynaudio driver models? I read that some of the drivers Totem made are by Hi-xx audio (forgot the name) in China? and some of them are the same as Dynaudio? Thanks.
the forest continues to be the best allrounder in totem's line..if you factor in your investment
In case it matters, the Forest is also their most efficient model. If you want to try other amps in the future you will not find yourself needing to hunt down something super powerful to please the speakers.