Totem Forest or Mani-2 signature?

I am looking for a pair of Totem speakers that will work well with Bel Canto Ref1000 monoblocks.

So far I have only auditioned the Forest and Staff (with the Ref1000 too) but have not had a chance to try the Mani-2.

For those Totem owners out there, could you give me some suggestions? as how they compare and stuff... Thanks!
I'm envious Rumadian, I wish I still had my Sttafs - I sold them when I bought my Manis.

. . . a few comments about the placement/and supporting gear comments above. I agree that Sttaf's can really be great if you dial them, but in my experience they're not at all hard to get placed and driven to sound wonderful. As long as they're not placed against the wall, they will be fantastic regardless. But if you take care in placement and complementary gear they keep getting better. After I bought my Mani-2s I ran the Sttafs in a thrown together system using a 18 w/c vintage fisher tube integrated (X202) and a cheap cd player. Everyone who heard them was amazed.

I also agree, the Sttafs don't need a lot of power, but can be better if they do. Mani's need a lot of power, but you'd be amazed how they sound with a 35 w/c Tube amp.
I just want to keep the options open so let me ask you experts out there who is familiar with the Icepower class d amps. Will the class d work well with the 4ohm speakers like the Mani-2 vs. the 8 ohm speakers like the Forest?

As far as I know the lower the impedance the higher the current the amp will need to output? I am unsure if the class-d likes lower impedance or higher... I have read it somewhere regarding the same topic but can't remember.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
By the way, I've heard nothing but good things about the Mani-2 until I read this post:

I am open to different opinions and critics, so I could know more about Totems...
Sorry Guys but the only model that is currently using a Dynaudio driver is the new "The One" and it is probably only for review sake. The other Dynaudio looking drivers are knock offs made by Hi Vi research, and if you don't believe me just remove one of the drivers and see if says Dynaudio on the back.It is shame that Totem can't admit to cutting costs by using knock off drivers.
I have read about the HiVi driver before. In Fact I even saw a screen shot of a member pulled out the Totem driver with Hi Vi logo on it. (I forgot the model though...)

The HiVi Swan D2 looks like Totem clone!