Dimly lit room: Plasma, LCD, or DLP

Is plasma suited better for dark enviroments?
Lol..apology accepted Vic. You're lucky if you haven't noticed the image retention as yet. You're a brave man to play video games on a plasma! I don't know how long you've used it that way. If I were you I would use the LCD for those tasks. It will eventual show itself if used this way often. Try running an all white screen on the plasma if possible. If there is any image retention,it will show up like a sore thumb.

This is easily done for me as I have a good portion of my screen white when I'm surfing the net or doing other tasks on this PC.

Chad..certain channels still use logos that do plasmas harm..I do not know why? ESPN and TNT can be bad about this. That red logo during a long sporting event like racing..can leave a little image retention. I've had to use my screen wiper in the past to remove or lighten these images.

Again...some of us use our displays as PC monitors. I also use it to scroll through my music albums..it doesn't take long for ghosting to show up if you use a plasma for this. This isn't what someone told me or what I read. This is something I've seen for myself Chad.

Frankly, it is laughable to me for someone to give advice on something he doesn't own or have experienced in any way.Looking at it in the store or at a family members house doesn't count. ;-)

I welcome you to stop by and find ghosting artifacts on my LCD with TV recorded shows, movies or Blu rays...it simply isn't there. All of these TVs show ghosting on live fast moving sports..even a plasma. And no thanks I do not want a 300 pound CRT..I'll happily take the good with the bad using my flat panels.
If that was directed at me your off base, I own a LCD monitor, a LCD Projector, CRT HD and while my dad owns the Plasma I researched it bought it, hooked it up and maybe your not close with your parents but that doesnt I am not with mine and dont have many MANY hours of experience viewing his unit...calling me out on this was a low blow and you can mock me all you want but I wouldnt offer opinion if I didnt have experience, you worry about you and I will worry about me.
Ok back to important stuff and Phase sorry your thread has been hi-jacked.
There is no channel I know of at this time that leaves a logo on during commercials so every 10 minutes or so that logo is gone for several minutes, you can play games on Plasma and watch whatever you wish without worry if you do it like an adult who doesnt walk away from a game for hours. If you have a cheap or old model Plasma this may have been an issue for you but it isnt the case anymore and you need to quit passing bad information, false claims help nobody. LCD has more issues with motion blur than any other technology and that is simple fact.
I would suggest the O.P. google all these topics and research should quickly confirm that black levels are not up to par on LCD, there is no need to worry about image burn in or retention with todays models with normal average daily use and LCD suffers more from image blur during motion than any other technology, also that Plasma reflection from the gloss panel can be an issue........these are all facts not opinion.......fact.
Gmood would lead somebody to think Plasma is a really bad option, if it was that bad then why do so many love it and why is it even still for sale?.......wouldnt the bad press and opinion from the masses have killed it off long ago???? It has happened time and time again with other products so what is it about Plasma that is immune to common sense and bad publicity? The short answer is it isnt immune to bad press, it is a great product the market loves and thats why many advise its best option, LCD is getting better but getting better and actually being better are two very differnt things. cheers
Why in the world would I want to lead someone to believe a plasma is bad? I own and use them both. I never said I didn't like my plasma. I like using them both! I will not argue anymore about this. I know what using a plasma as a monitor will do..it ain't good. Why don't stadiums, offices, computer manufactures or billboards use plasma technology if burn in or brightness isn't an issue?

Regardless of who made it. My plasma is still considered current..not old by a long shot! If you only plan to use it for basic TV or Movies you'll be fine. If you plan to do other tasks in the future an LCD or LED are the better options.

At the current rate, TV broadcast,voice and the internet are going interactive. This means your TV will become a hub for everything. Internet,voice and television broadcast over IP ..is the future.

The newest DVRs are more like a PC than a basic cable box.
You totally miss the point Chad..time to step into the 21st century!
I would suggest the O.P. google all these topics and research should quickly confirm that black levels are not up to par on LCD

The December issue of Home Theater Magazine reviews the new 950 series Samsung LCD and they describe the black levels as being on par with the latest Kuro plasma sets. It would seem that plasmas long standing "black level" advantage may be short-lived.
Yes at the super premium extremes they are closing the gap, I just dont think they have in general. An LCD in a dim room is where the inferior blacks are going to be most noticed as everything looks grey but some wont notice or even be bothered by this. My career in hi quality sheetfed commercial printing has admittedly made me pretty picky about color....more so than most.