Dimly lit room: Plasma, LCD, or DLP

Is plasma suited better for dark enviroments?
Why in the world would I want to lead someone to believe a plasma is bad? I own and use them both. I never said I didn't like my plasma. I like using them both! I will not argue anymore about this. I know what using a plasma as a monitor will do..it ain't good. Why don't stadiums, offices, computer manufactures or billboards use plasma technology if burn in or brightness isn't an issue?

Regardless of who made it. My plasma is still considered current..not old by a long shot! If you only plan to use it for basic TV or Movies you'll be fine. If you plan to do other tasks in the future an LCD or LED are the better options.

At the current rate, TV broadcast,voice and the internet are going interactive. This means your TV will become a hub for everything. Internet,voice and television broadcast over IP ..is the future.

The newest DVRs are more like a PC than a basic cable box.
You totally miss the point Chad..time to step into the 21st century!
I would suggest the O.P. google all these topics and research should quickly confirm that black levels are not up to par on LCD

The December issue of Home Theater Magazine reviews the new 950 series Samsung LCD and they describe the black levels as being on par with the latest Kuro plasma sets. It would seem that plasmas long standing "black level" advantage may be short-lived.
Yes at the super premium extremes they are closing the gap, I just dont think they have in general. An LCD in a dim room is where the inferior blacks are going to be most noticed as everything looks grey but some wont notice or even be bothered by this. My career in hi quality sheetfed commercial printing has admittedly made me pretty picky about color....more so than most.
Maybe we all should wait and see what will be the outcome/upcoming trend after the Consumers Electronic Show in Las Vegas next week!!! The reason I went Plasma, was the viewing angle since my living room is narrow and sometime watch the tv from my kitchen... I couldn't do that with a LCD, I tried and it was disorted......
Any comments as to the quality of non-HD media (such as old movies on DVD - from 1940's, forward) when viewed on plasma vs lcd, and for various lcd's? Comments most welcome from those who have done their own side-by-side comparison. Particularly in a lighted room.