Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
Just as a matter of studied fact, people do become skilled at using their senses. It's a bit harder to demonstrate with listening, but it's well documented that visual artists become practiced, methodical viewers as coorelated with eye movement while studying an object. I know I've become a more methodical viewer and listener as I've indulged in music and visual art. 
Cables are probably the simplest part of the entire audio chain. You can see them as a pipe through which current travels. The real work is done by the equipment that processes this current not the carrier.

Now compare that to what is happening inside even the simplest loudspeaker crossover. Or any drive unit as it frantically attempts to resist breakup under load. Or the cabinet as it deals with increasing resonances with volume. Or as it interacts with its surroundings. Or a hundred and one other things.

Yes, cables have it easy. They live extremely long lives and hardly ever break sweat.
From a different point of view. The electromagnetic wave (of electrical power) passes through a medium (the wire, and connectors It also may interact with the surroundings. The sheath/insulation and even beyond since the energy is also radiated into the surrounding to some degree. And the surroundings might influence the waveform.The main thing is the medium the waveform passes through. Clearly we can agree that copper, silver or gold (a conducting metal) seem to be the best medium to have the waveform travel through?  The material the wave is passing through can affect the QUALITY of the wave, altering it. One reason for ultra pure copper of silver and long crystal is to do less harm to the waveform as it passes through the medium.The insulation also affects the waveform in less clearly understood ways. (some companies have found insulation which IMPROVES the bass content.. How??? )         ***************************************************************************My own experiments make me say the electrical waveform can be ’thinned out’. Made thicker, made more cohesive or spread out. and changed by the medium it passes through.So wire is not just wire.Compare light passing through a vacuum. no change.. Then add a material between the start and finish points. water, air, various foreign elements. all can change the quality of the light. Same thing with transmission of the electrical waveform through metal.