Preamp for Burmester power amp

Hi all, I am new to here. Currently I am using JRDG Capri with Burmester 956 Mk II power amp, to drive ATC SCM40 V2. 

I intend to to upgrade the preamp (as I think it’s the weakest part), among Pass Labs XP12, Ayre KX5 Twenty and Bryston BP 17 Cubed, which one u think is a better match with my Burmester?
From what I found the 113 dac gives out 4V!
and the Dac30 is 2.5v

As you can see your 956 only needs .8v into it for full wattage output, so the preamp should be (unity) no gain to get good volume range on the volume control.

Cheers George
Hi George,

thanks for for the advice. So what do u mean is I just need a DAC with volume control ?
nibongese OP
 So what do u mean is I just need a DAC with volume control ?

Oh yes!!, but your the one who said it, now watch the pro preamp brigade chuck a mental, and put a hex on your first born.

If they have volume controls: If not you’ll need that buffered preamp.
The 113dac is 130ohms output impedance so a fine match direct into the 956.
The Blacknote even though it’s tube has an output transformer which is a nice low 75ohm output impedance so it’s fine also into the 956.

Hopefully you can use their digital domain volume controls at 75% or higher and it’s not too loud, below 75% you’ll start to run the risk of "bit stripping" 16bit 14bit 12bit 10bit ect the lower you go on the volume.

Cheers George

Hi, nibongese,

A few years ago I played around with your amp (or was it a previous model?) driving a pair of ATC scm50 (not my spkrs)—coincidence, eh!
With the owner, we tried the following pres on loan from shop & friends. Cables were from Nordost. The cd source from Burmester, Ayazi dac (modded; 1st I'd heard of that). We listened to classical, chamber and orchestral music:
  • *Burmester 099-- excellent result, music had a sense of urgency/dynamics, low-level detail was OK, hi frequencies OK and pleasant rather than super-detailed, low-frequency extension very good 
  • *Burmester something else (cheaper than 099): pronounced midrange, recessed hi & low frequencies, somewhat pronounced mid-bass; not bad result, but pale compared to its big brother.
  • *Cat Ultimate (yes that's tubes): similar to 099 but with less pronounced highs; I remember that low frequencies were unusually good, however.
  • *Dartzeel "NHB-something": outstanding result. Extension at both ends fantastic, details, no edges, no screeching, good sense of air around the instruments and good dynamics. The amp seemed to have been inspired to boost its dynamics!
  • *FM acoustics FM122 single-ended with FM IC: outstanding (- I rarely use superlatives). I remember being so enthusiastic, we switched to a blues & similar (JL Hooker, Clapton, B Guy) just for the sheer joy of it and spent some time drinking and listening and not auditioning!
  • *The big Ayre of the moment (XK5?): excellent result overall: no frequency group was pronounced, nice flow to the music ("liquid")-- but lacking in dynamics & extension vs compared to FM & Dart.

(Ultimately, the choice was to trade in the Burmester & buy a used FM pre/power combo... )

Good luck, the fun is in the journey as well as the destination!