blue jeans cable?

anyone have any experience with these guys? i just want some good conductive cables for my zu omens...
So you have a dealer (BJ Cables) who knows it all and denigrates others who feel otherwise based on their own experience. Not the objective type, I’d wager. Gotta love the know-it-alls.

I’ve been experimenting with some cables lately designed by an engineer who used to work at Belden Wire & Cable and his designs are a far sight better than what Beldin makes and their speaker cables now reside in my system and their interconnects came scary close to my Darwin ICs for less than a third of the cost. I still kept my Darwins but the point is that someone who knows Belden inside and out, goes out and designs something that Belden doesn’t make/sell that betters what he used to put out says something.

His former employer is making something that’s built to a price point and can do the job, but just that. Oh, and the ICs and SCs are very reasonably priced. Not extravagant in the least.

All the best,
Hey @nonoise any chance we can check these new design cables out? Sounds interesting. 
@grannyring , sure thing.
They're They've been mentioned before in some threads and I've always wondered about their potential. On a lark, I took a chance on their speaker cables and liked them enough to keep them.

They have the tightest image focus I've heard in my system. Nothing is vague or difficult to pinpoint. It took a couple of days for the highs to fully open and the base took another day to flesh out with authority but remains tight and textured. It's not the most dominant base I've heard but rather, the most accurate as it never draws attention to itself until some real base is encountered and then you finally realize what decent base sounds like. It's always in proportion.

I think the shielding along with the overall construction accounts for their performance. Tight fitting banana terminations help as well. Just for the heck of it I replaced my Tempo Electric SCs and everything kind of went south. I had gotten so used to the sound of the Cabledynes that I hadn't noticed how much more they progressed in breaking in since when I first swapped them out, the delta wasn't that large except for the killer focus.

I still love the Tempos with my Marantz (I have no idea how it would sound with the Cabledynes) but with the Kinki EX-M1, the Cabledynes fully compliment the amp, like they were made for them.

All the best,Nonoise
Granny , I am using the LC 1 interconnect from my turntable to my tube preamp , no trace of brightness, It’s connected as Doub Schroeder method, double Ic....