Micromega M-100/150 field reports

Got a M-100 or M-150?  Share your setups, tweaks and observations, and help out your homies.

My initial M-100 config and some early observations in this thread.

Things I'm wondering about:

  • hacks & upgrades to LAN infrastructure including h/w, and whether they make an objective difference in reproduction from the M-100/150
  • power cords/supplies, with same question (objective difference?)
  • MARS room correction performance & value
  • whether Micromega will have any relief for the abject instability of their Android control app (circa 2016)
I don't need jriver to sream my cd library the iOS app for the M100 finds my DLNA server and streams it direct. My router does DLNA I attach a usb drive to the router the M100 finds it, sounds great. That's what I like about the M100 I don't need a seperate streamer it is a streamer , I don't need jriver or any other third party media player. DLNA is built into windows I could simply share a folder on my computer and the M100 finds it, I have tried it works great as well. Now jriver or some of these other players can convert to higher rates and such but I have never noticed any improvement in SQ by doing that. A downloaded file already in a higher rate is different than upconversion which doesn't do much for me. 
Besides if I wamt to convert I can use Foobar convert the files ,save to my hard drive and the M100 will play it. All the M100 needs is a NAS  with DLNA or like I said an old windows computer with DLNA enabled and a shared drive or folder. 
"I don't need jriver..."
" All the M100 needs is a NAS with DLNA or like I said an old windows computer with DLNA enabled and a shared drive or folder."
djones51: right on ... am a big fan of simplifying and using what we already got and/or is freely available.  The hype surrounding the playback performance of some of the pay-for apps is just that: hype.

usery - curious how many different music streaming programs or apps have you listened to on the Micromega or others?
I have the M-150 and have had it in my listening room for several months. I ignored the MARS (came stock) for about a month and then calibrated the room using the included microphone -- it made a tremendous difference as I have a challenging room full of concrete and glass... i know, i know... However, this is one of the main reasons I purchased this integrated and it's paying significant dividends.

I'll echo what's been said above that the streaming capabilities work very well and I typically run iTunes or Pandora via the airplay interface via the LAN input. I wouldn't say it sounds sublime, but it's the best I've heard considering the source material.

I use a Oppo 203 as a CD source, connected to the line input. I don't have fancy interconnects, but the CD sounds a little bright in general. Extremely detailed, however, and very enjoyable. I have also used the digital out of the Oppo connected to the optical input of the M-150 and this sounds much much smoother and refined. I have yet to explore further.

My turntable, a Linn LP-12, sounds tremendous via the MM input. Enough said there. I was skeptical, but it works. My only complaint is that volume levels need to near 45-60 for decent listening levels -- I'm not sure if that's normal for this amp or not and would be interested in others' perspectives. For the record (pun intended!), my cartridge is a Grado Silver2 and I believe the M-150 sensitivity for MM is 12 mvrms (1.2 mvrms for MC input). As an additional inquiry, if anyone knows, do I risk any damage to my phono stage or speakers if I plug into the MC stage? I have tried it and normal listening levels occur at 25 or so, which I rather like, but I'm not sure if there is any risk of damage to the system. 

Happy to continue engaging in this thread, but these are some thoughts for now.