Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Congrats on your find. I remember the Ohms from my college days in the early/mis 70s too, but all I could afford were the EPI 150s.

I think stabilizing the Ohms whichever way you can will help the performance. I used a Symposium knock-off under my 100s and noticed improved focus, I will use the same under the 300s when they arrive this week.

Your pre-/amps should be fine.

Have fun!
I heard quite a lot of good things about the Ohm speakers. But I wonder why none of the pro reviewers in the real world uses omnidirectional speakers as their reference speakers.
Omni's are a different beast with a totally different presentation. Would not make any sense to use them as a reference to compare traditional designs against. You can compare and contrast but its essentially apples and oranges.

Nevertheless, I have seen it done on occasion.

The late John Potis was an OHM speaker fan for many years, reviewed them and used them for comparison to other products he reviewed.

There aren't that many omnis out there. As to the best known brands, here's one thought:

The big Ohms don't cost enough. The big MBL costs too much.

Just about every reviewer seems to own a pair with a price tag somewhere in between.


Omnis also stretch the purist notion of "accuracy" since studio and mastering monitors aren't omnidirectional. They're not often dipole planars either, but people seem somehow to have less issue with that delta.