Small dedicated listening rooms

Potentially downsizing from a 17’ x 22’ room to a 8’6 x 10’ room.
Currently have huge three-way floor standers that would swallow the room.
Mostly ARC equipment.
Thoughts on speakers with a smaller footprint that don’t have to be too far off the walls?
Budget of 15k max. Used is fine.

i have a system in an unusual room 12’ x 10’ but with 14’ plus ceiling....( I know...I know )
i have managed excellent sound with many different speakers: Apogee Stage, Dynaco A-25, Sonus Faber Concertino, Vandersteen 1ci
room gain will need be managed in your might have to try an analog filter in the 60-80 HZ range, with your ARC seperates this is easy, Vandersteen M5 HP will work with very minimal impact to is just science..

Dukes points about HOW your brain hears are very relevant, even w smaller speakers designed for NF, you should at least be trying this..

The Vandersteen Treo is designed to operate near a rear wall, combine those with toe in, first replaction control and you might achieve bliss.....

good luck 
oh and while I was rebuilding them and for a month or so Cornwall also did well in my room......
For those with “small rooms”, take some masking tape and block off 8.5’ x 10’. My room is about 50% larger, and is still small and challenging. Again, I’d focus on creating a very soothing environment around a killer headphone set-up. 
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I'd go with something like the Harbeth P3esr.  They are sealed, sound great at low volumes, work well in the near field, and can be paired with a sub if you want more bass.  The new Spendor A1 is similar and has gotten good reviews (but I haven't heard it so can't comment).  The Harbeth 30.1/30.2 is bigger but only goes down to about 50hz.  It's front-ported, so that would help with having them closer to walls.  For nearfield listening, I don't imagine you'd do too much better than the appropriately sized Harbeth.