Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
"What do these OHM Walsh speakers look like with the black mesh can removed? Does anyone have a link?"

"OHM Walsh" related Google searches usually turns up some, mostly of older 1st gen models that people dissect either to try to fix or just to see what's in there. Haven't seen pics inside newer models. Can't imagine it is too different or much prettier. Plus, JS is known to customize to tailor to customers needs, so I'm sure there can be many variations.

Having the driver hidden inside the can for protection and aesthetics certainly has a lot of benefits in terms of what can be done to improve the sound cost effectively without having to worry about how it looks.

My understanding is a different tweeter was used in series 3 versus series 2. Latest X000 series uses a different Walsh driver made of different materials as well I have read, but do not recall details. SOund of newer models is advertised as "evolutionary, not revolutionary".
I'm thinking of upgrading from my 2XOs to the current generation 2000 drivers mounted on my existing g cabinets (love the old pyramidal look, so I'm looking at the upgrade package).

Before I pull the trigger and sink the money I to this, I'd love to hear thoughts on the upgrade and any comparisons between the original 2XOs (or 2s) and the new 2000s. How do they compare? What I'm most curious about are any changes in detail and resolution, along with stability and precision of imaging.

Background info:
Room size = 16 x 35 x 8 (approx 3200 cu ft), slightly larger than recommended for the 2000s, but divided into a dining and living room areas. My listening area takes up less than half the total space, and I'm seated 12' from the back wall and 10' from the speakers.
Amp = vintage Sansui AU-D707 (same as AU-819) w/ 90 wpc (excellent sound, rarely turn volume past 9 o'clock).
Sources = Rotel 1080, Squeezebox Duet run through a SMSL dac.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated! Thanks!
"What I'm most curious about are any changes in detail and resolution, along with stability and precision of imaging. "

I had Walsh 2s before current series 3 models.

detail, resolution, and stability and precision of imaging are exactly the things that changed the most for the better.

The newer models are competitive with other modern quality speakers in these regards. The original 2s were clearly not.
Thanks Map. That's very helpful.

Any thoughts on the fit between the 2000s and the 3200 cu ft room size?

Anyone else care to chime in?
3200 cu ft is just past the high end on the OHM site chart for 2000's, but that does not mean they might not fit the bill. Probably best to talk to John Strohbeen.